Nature has provided in out body an “IN-BUILT Mechanism” to maintain the organs and to repair them in needed. This science of health which makes use of this IN-BUILT mechanism is popularly known as ACUPRESSURE.
This therapy was known in INDIA even 500 years ago, (according to Sushrut Samhita). Unfortunately, it was not preserved properly. This therapy was taken to China and Japan by Buddhist Monks. The word Acupressure is related to acupuncture. Acu means a needle and puncture means to pierce. Acupuncture means the art of trading disease by piercing specific points in the body. Acupressure means the art of treating disease by applying Pressure on specific points with the help of one’s thumb or a pointed thing.
How is acupuncture performed?
Acupuncture therapies vary depending on the individual acupuncturist and your condition. Acupuncture often includes a series of therapies over a period of several weeks or more. Acupuncture therapies last 45 to 90 minutes.
Your acupuncture will be performed in an office or outpatient practice setting and generally includes these steps:
Your acupuncturist will perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and current therapies and medications.
You may need to remove some clothing to expose acupuncture therapy areas. Acupuncture points are located all over the body. They are not always near the area where you have pain. You will wear a gown or sheet for modesty as needed.
You will lie down on your side, face-up, or facedown, depending on your condition.
Your acupuncturist will insert thin metal needles into specific areas of the body called acupuncture points. The needles are about the diameter of a strand of hair. They are inserted no more than two inches. Therapies generally require five to 20 needles.
Your acupuncturist may gently move or twirl the needles or apply heat, microwave radiation, or mild electrical pulses to the needles.
Your acupuncturist will remove the needles after about 10 to 20 minutes.
Your acupuncturist may recommend other traditional Chinese medicine therapies, such as cupping and herbal formulas. Be sure to ask your regular doctor about any therapies before starting them.
Will I feel pain?
Your comfort and relaxation is important to you and your acupuncturist. Acupuncture generally causes very little discomfort, but you may have an achy feeling during needle insertion. Removing the needles generally causes no pain. Tell your acupuncturist if you have any discomfort or unusual sensations, such as numbness or tingling.